
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1985
Amazing Bumpman USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1984
Cosmic Crisis Europe Coleco - ColecoVision 1984
Rock 'N' Bolt USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1984
Rock n' Bolt USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1984
Skiing USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1986
Strike It! Europe Coleco - ColecoVision 1986
Tank Wars USA Coleco - ColecoVision 1986
Raiden USA Atari - Lynx 1997
Iron Soldier 3 Europe Sony - PlayStation 2000
Santa Claus Saves the Earth Europe Sony - PlayStation 2002
Soccer Kid Europe Sony - PlayStation 2003
Ultimate Brain Games Europe Sony - PlayStation 2003
Ultimate Brain Games USA Sony - PlayStation 2003